Mahi Ki Waenganui I Ngā Pākihi
Daily, weekly or monthly check-ins show how well things are going. Your feedback help us to support you throughout your journey, and can highlight areas that need more focus.
A professional coach is just a message, email, or phone call away if you need advice, help solving something, or just a check-in chat. They will also regularly check in with you to address your feedback and help keep you on track to achieve your goals.
Te Heke Mai allows you to track your journey, progress, and growth through your journey. Designed to help you get the most out of your current experience, and develop new skills to use going into the future.
To sign up, or if you’d like us to get in touch to answer any questions, just send us your details using the form below.
Helps you to get clear goals based on what is important to you at each stage of your journey.
Big or small, we are here to celebrate each achievement and milestone you hit.
We are here to get to know you and your situation, so we can provide the best support tailored to you.
Frequent reflections and check-ins help to keep you on track.
Support to have open conversarions, develop communications skills, and maintain self-awareness.
Technology supports human connections and support system in ways you wouldn't usually have in the offline world.